Development and contributions

Push requests are welcome

Yep, this project is under active development!

Any contribution is welcome, please push against the develop branch. If you are developing special features that required heavy and custom changes create a custom branch.

Found a bug? Fill the issue on github.

Coding style

Try to be conformed where possible to PEP8. If need help while using VIM I’d recommend the use of syntastic.


SaltWebGui is based on the python framework Flask.

By now all of the data are stored in custom variables or classes. This is valid for user management as well as for the data received from saltstack.

The first demo of the code was using directly the CLI (there is still a legacy code available under saltwebgui/sat/, but now it is preferred to user the salt-api. This way is possible to run SaltWebGui on any server as long as there is an access to salt’s api.

The current implementation uses the python pepper module in order to bind to saltstack. For quick references under saltwebgui/salt/ are available some the following objects to interact with saltstack:

  • JOBS = Jobs()
  • JOB = Job()
  • KEYS = Keys()
  • RUN = Run()

The web interface is developed with bootstrap (and little of javascript code).